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Explore the latest news, stories and publications from Oceans North and our partners.
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For the Ocean
Fast-track Expansion of Baffinland Mine Doesn’t Help...
A slower approach to increased production at Baffinland's Mary River mine is needed to ensure Inuit are employed in sufficient numbers to benefit local communities and Nunavut.
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Experts Urge Canada to Ratify High Seas Treaty
Experts are urging Canada to take the final step toward ratifying a treaty that will help protect the two thirds of the world’s oceans in international waters.
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Swimming North: How Climate Change Is Impacting Marine...
Warmer ocean temperatures, changing currents are transforming the marine ecosystem—with consequences for the environment and coastal communities.
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Protecting Canada’s Muddy Seabed to Mitigate Climate Change
A new study is highlighting the role seabed sediments play in storing carbon and making the case for more protection.
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New Report Documents Diverse Underwater Ecosystems in Hudson Bay...
In the summer of 2022, a six-week science and filming expedition explored the diverse underwater ecosystems of Hudson Bay and James Bay, two of Canada’s least-studied marine regions.
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New Project Tracks Increased Shark Sightings in Nunatsiavut
There has been a significant increase in the number of sightings and interactions with sharks in Nunatsiavut waters.
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Protecting the Heart of the Arctic
At the very top of the world lies a place few have visited: the Central Arctic Ocean.
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How Climate Change is Affecting Ocean Currents in the North Water...
Between Devon Island and Ellesmere Island, on the western edge of the North Water polynya, researchers are studying changes in deep ocean currents and how these waters may impact the melting of glaciers and the productivity of the marine ecosystem.
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The Cree Nation Government Advances Marine Protection in Eeyou...
26,000 square kilometres of important marine habitat could soon become the Wiinipaawk Indigenous Protected Area.
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With Passage of Bill C-49, Winds of Change Are Blowing for Energy...
The new legislation offers opportunities to create jobs, reduce emissions, and protect the marine environment.
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