Navigating Sustainability Challenges Together

We need a transformative mindset to address the issues facing our shared oceans. Together, we can not only meet environmental challenges but also become a powerful force in addressing community needs. Explore the ripple effects of creative solutions—from combating underwater noise pollution in the Arctic to protecting the biodiversity of Hudson Bay. Join the movement to turn challenges into opportunities for a sustainable and thriving future.

Driving Change:
The Electric Lobster Boat

Membertou, alongside Oceans North, Allswater, and BlueGrid by Rimot, proudly present Lektrike’l Walipotl—a project to create the first all-electric lobster boat in Atlantic Canada. Combining environmental conservation and Indigenous innovation, the electric lobster boat fleet is coming to fruition. To learn more about this project click here.

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Sounding the Alarm:
Underwater Noise Pollution

Many marine mammals rely on sound for communication, navigation, and finding prey. Noise from vessels can impact their health, reproduction, and overall well-being. In collaboration with Inuit communities, we are actively involved in research efforts using hydrophones to study the impact of vessels on marine life. To learn more about this project click here.

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Deep Trouble: Mining the Seabed

This year, we and our partners successfully pushed the Canadian government to call for a moratorium on deep-sea mining in international waters. Along with Canada, 23 countries are now calling a moratorium or precautionary pause on the activity—nearly double the number from 2022. To learn more about this project click here.

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Protecting Abundance for a Sustainable Future: Hudson Bay’s Belugas

Although this population is healthy, climate change poses threats, from melting sea ice that allows predation by killer whales to increasing access for industrial development. We are working with scientists and Indigenous communities to ensure this biologically rich area remains a safe haven for belugas and their offspring. To learn more about this project click here.

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Turn Challenges Into Opportunities

Working collaboratively, we can unlock the potential to meet both ecological demands and essential community needs. Join us in turning challenges into opportunities: your support helps us keep working with partners to ensure oceans as thriving ecosystems. We all share the ocean. Let’s make a lasting impact within it for generations to come.